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AntiVirus Tutorials

Check back often...more lessons added soon!

Table of Contents:
Lesson One: Configuring and Modifying your Auto Update Settings
Lesson Two: How to scan an individual file, folder, or drive on demand
Lesson Three: How to set your antivirus protection level
Lesson Four: How to view report showing the program's performance results

Lesson One: Configuring and Modifying your Auto Update Settings

1. Launch the control panel by double clicking on the program icon located in the tray at the bottom right of the screen (it may take a few seconds for the control panel to appear). OR, right click on the tray icon to open the shortcut menu and choosing CyberScrub Antivirus Control Panel...

2. At the bottom of the Control Panel, you will see an options button. Click this button to open the options interface.

3. Now select the "Auto Updates" from the Schedule section, then click the "go" button to the left.

4. We advise you to selet "Start of Internet Connection" and "Every 4 Hours" to ensure you have the latest definitions every time you are online. Click "Apply" to save changes.

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Lesson Two: How to scan an individual file, folder or drive on demand

1. To scan an individual file, folder or drive you do not have to open the program main window. You can use the "Check for viruses" command added to the Windows shortcut menu (by right clicking) after CyberScrub AntiVirus has been installed on your computer.

2. To define an object to be virus checked, select the file, folder or drive using My Computer, Windows Explorer or select something from the desktop.

3. Click your right mouse button on the item intended for scanning.

4. A Windows shortcut menu will appear. "Check for viruses" will be one of the options from this command.

5. Left click the "Check for viruses" option to begin the scan of your selected item.

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Lesson Three: How to set your antivirus protection level

1. Launch the control panel by double clicking on the program icon located in the tray at the bottom right of the screen (it may take a few seconds for the control panel to appear). You may also launch the control panel by right clicking on the tray icon to open the shortcut menu and choosing "CyberScrub AntiVirus Control Panel...".

2. Along the right side of the control panel are three rectangular buttons with graphics (magnifying glass with gradient symbol). Roll your mouse over the buttons to confirm which button pertains to the respective protective level. From top to bottom the levels are as follows: Normal, Medium, High.

3. You can change these levels for what you may feel is appropriate for each scan.

4. If you need to perform a rapid check, choose the top button for Normal level. At this level, the program will quickly check all main components of your computer.

5. For a comprehensive check, choose the bottom button for High level. This is the safes setting and highest level of protection, but takes longer to complete the scan.

6. In other cases, choose the middle button for Medium level. This is the most appropriate choice for time and security considerations.

7. You can set only one level at a time.

8. Once you have chosen your protection level, you can begin your scan by clicking the small circular button with the triangle located just below the protection level buttons.

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Lesson Four: How to view report showing the program's performance results

1. At the conclusion of each on demand scan of your computer or a selected object, the program opens a report window with information on what was found during the scan.

2. The report includes checking parameters and checking statistics.

3. Checking parameters include date (date of check), time (time of check) and security level (starting protection level).

4. Checking statistics includes files checked (number of files scanned), viruses found (number of infected files found during scan), files disinfected (number of infected files successfully disinfected) and files deleted (number of infected files deleted after unsuccessful attempts to clean).

5. If the scanning process is terminated, you will see a report with the scanning results available up until it was terminated and the warning that the check has not been completed. To complete the check, click "Continue". To stop the check, click "Stop".

6. You can keep track of what the program is doing at anytime. To view a progress report, click the lower left round button with the open book graphic on the program control panel.

7. If you request the report when the program is checking for viruses, you can track the scanning process in the progress report window.

8. If you request the report when the program is not checking for viruses, a report window with the results of the previous scan will appear. Note that if a previous scan has been terminated, you will be offered to start a new check. To initiate checking, click "Start checking"; to decline the check and close the report window, click "Cancel".

Table of Contents


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